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The problem with this research is how is the structure of Bintang's novel by Tere Liye? The purpose of this study was to obtain a description of the structure of the novel by Tere Liye. This research method is descriptive analysis. The data collection technique of this research is the technique of data list with the following steps, (1) reading the novel of Bintang by Tere Liye as a whole, this is aimed at gaining a thorough understanding of the meaning of the totality of the analyzed works, (2) rereading the Bintang novel Tere Liye while marking the part of the work that is related to the research problem by underlining with color ink, (3) collecting all the data that has been marked into the data collection list. Data analysis techniques are (1) classifying and classifying the intellectual elements in the novel Bintang Tere Liye, (2) each classification group then the data are analyzed further according to the approach used structural approach, (3) describing the intellectual elements in the Bintang Bintang Tere novel Liye, (4) encapsulates the intellectual elements in the novel Bintang by Tere Liye, (5) draws conclusions of the study. Based on the results of the study and discussion of the intrinsic elements in the novel Bintang by Tere Liye, conclusions can be drawn as follows: the intrinsic elements in the Bintang by Tere Liye novel include (1) the theme is adventure and friendship, (2) Mandate namely (a) always think positively in carrying out something , then what will be achieved, (b) passing things with friends, helping each other, and trusting each other, then everything will be easy to pass, (c) try to always be a good and sincere person, and (d) every problem or obstacles must be overcome by continuing to strive, (3) the main characters are Raib, Seli, Ali and additional figures are Miss Selena, Faar, Secretary of the city council, Av, Hanna, Baar, and Meer, (4) the groove is a mixed plot, (5 ) the setting includes the setting of time ie morning, afternoon, evening, night, three days and two weeks, the setting of the place which is the school hall, the sea, ships, houses, public transportation, Moon Clan, Ilios City, Bintang clan, the room of the trash, and the room on ng quiet, and the background atmosphere is tense, anxious, touching, angry, upset, sad. (6) the point of view of using the first person "me", and (7) the style of language includes the style of language smile / comparison, metaphor, personification, and hyperbole.


NPM 1621120122
Pembimbing : Man Hakim, M.Pd
Penguji 1 : Dr. Hasmi Suyuthi,M.Pd
Penguji 2 : Dra. Yantyi Paulina, M.Pd




UPT Perpustakaan Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu


12 Desember 2012


Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu


Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu


Bahasa Indonesia


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MARLINA NPM 1621120122 et al., “STRUKTUR NOVEL BINTANG KARYA TERE LIYE,” Repository Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu, accessed April 19, 2024,