TANGGUNG JAWAB HUKUM LEMBAGA BANTUAN HUKUM DALAM PENANGANAN KASUS PERDATA (Studi pada Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Bhakti Alumni UNIB Cabang Curup dan Pemda Rejang Lebong)

Dublin Core


TANGGUNG JAWAB HUKUM LEMBAGA BANTUAN HUKUM DALAM PENANGANAN KASUS PERDATA (Studi pada Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Bhakti Alumni UNIB Cabang Curup dan Pemda Rejang Lebong)


Providing Legal Aid is currently widespread, this is inseparable from the awareness of advocates in providing legal aid. So that the establishment of the Legal Aid Institute not only stands among practitioners but is also widespread among academics especially the legal assistance established by the Faculty of Law at various State and Private Universities in Indonesia. The establishment of the Legal Aid Institute is not only aimed at providing legal assistance to the public in seeking justice but also a place for students to practice their knowledge, which in practice is still found between theory and field inappropriate, as we all know there is a legal term that only applies to people only small people and or the Law sharp downward blunt upwards. Problem: What is the Responsibility of the Legal Aid Institution of Bhakti Alumni UNIB Curup Branch and the Regional Government of RejangLebong Regency in handling Civil Cases and what are the obstacles for the Legal Aid Institution of UNIB Alumni Curup Branch and RejangLebong Regency Government. This research was conducted by taking data by interviewing the Director of the UNIB Curup Branch Legal Aid Institute and the RejangLebong Regency Government, That the Legal Responsibility of the UNIB Alumni Legal Aid Institute and the Legal Responsibility of the RejangLebong Regency Regional Government in Handling Civil Laws namely implementing Laws and Regulations Invitation, Perbup, and other statutory regulations. While the obstacle faced by LBH Alumni Curriculum of UNIB Curup Branch and RejangLebong Regency Government in the Handling of Civil Cases is the lack of Human Resources who control the law, minimal operational costs, insufficient infrastructure and frequent mutations of officials. It is recommended to overcome these obstacles, increase the number of lawyers who have certification, add infrastructure facilities, increase the amount of the budget, provide greater scope for the Legal Administration, to not often mutate officials.


NPM : 1580740021
Pembimbing 1 : Dr. Novran Harisa,.S.H.,M.HUM
Pembimbing 2 : Betra Sarianti,.S.H.,M.HUM
Penguji 1 : Dr.J.T Pareke S.H, M.H
Penguji 2: Hendri Padmi, S.H, M.H




UPT Perpustakaan


17 Juni 2020


Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu


Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu


Bahasa Indonesia


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Nama : SATRIA GUMAY NPM : 1580740021 et al., “TANGGUNG JAWAB HUKUM LEMBAGA BANTUAN HUKUM DALAM PENANGANAN KASUS PERDATA (Studi pada Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Bhakti Alumni UNIB Cabang Curup dan Pemda Rejang Lebong),” Repository Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu, accessed July 27, 2024, http://repo.umb.ac.id/items/show/111.