Adoption Block Chain Technology and Internet of Thing for Medical Record in Health Insurance

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Adoption Block Chain Technology and Internet of Thing for Medical Record in Health Insurance


Teknik Informatika


Insurance is an effort to transfer all risks that have not occurred, where the insurer guarantees all risks that may occur to the insured with the consequence that the insured pays a certain premium, health insurance is a type of insurance where the insurer guarantees all possibilities that occur to the insured. with health problems in accordance with the agreed agreement. Problems arise when the insured makes an insurance claim but does not follow the clauses in the insurance agreement. The difficulty of tracking the insured's activity which causes the rejection of the claim submission is one of the health insurance problems. This research aims to combine blockchain technology and Internet of Thing technology as a Health insurance claim solution. With a transparent blockchain all transactions that are part of the agreement on Health insurance can be accessed by all stakeholders accurately. With IoT technology, all insured physical activities that are part of the insurance agreement can be monitored in real time. The research method uses a qualitative approach with observations to identify problems and literature studies to find alternative solutions with an information technology approach.


Rozali Toyib
Eka Sahputra
Yuza Reswan
Yulia Darmi


Department of Informatics Engineering Faculty of Engineering




28 Agustus 2023


Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu


Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu


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Inayatulloh et al., “Adoption Block Chain Technology and Internet of Thing for Medical Record in Health Insurance,” Repository Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu, accessed October 22, 2024,