Sistem Informasi Penjualan Bubuk Kopi Pada Usaha Rumahan Sari Rasa Kepahiang Berbasis Web

Dublin Core


Sistem Informasi Penjualan Bubuk Kopi Pada Usaha Rumahan Sari Rasa Kepahiang Berbasis Web


A website is used to introduce a product or service or what is called as a company promotion to internet users. Sari Rasa Home Business of Kepahiang is one of a home-based business selling various types of coffee powder originating from kepahiang. Along with the increasing demand for products by consumers. recent sales for one week range from 8 to 13 kg where in 1 kg can produce 2 to 10 packs of coffee in packs of 100-500 grams. In one month the product coild be sold 30 to 50 kg for both shop and out-shop. the author formulates the problem in this research to how to develop the proposed system in order to support the sales process by using website-based system at Sari Rasa Home-Based Business. the purpose of the research was to support the sales at Sari Rasa Home-Based Business. It also aimed in improving better service to consumers, where consumers were expected to be able to access online so consumers did not need to come directly to the store or asked via telephone because the products were clearly illustrated on the website.


Name : Rizki Widodo
NPM : 1560400006
Dosen Pembimbing I
Andilala, M.Kom
NBK. 0215037902

Dosen Pembimbing II
Yetman Erwadi, M.kom
NIDN. 0225109202
Penguji I
Kirman, M.Kom

Penguji II
Cahyo Prihantoro, M.Eng


Teknik Informatika




24 september 2019


Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu


Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu




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Name : Rizki Widodo NPM : 1560400006 et al., “Sistem Informasi Penjualan Bubuk Kopi Pada Usaha Rumahan Sari Rasa Kepahiang Berbasis Web,” Repository Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu, accessed July 26, 2024,