A Study of English Students' Error in Constructing the Negation Sentence by Using Simple Present Tense and Past Tense

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A Study of English Students' Error in Constructing the Negation Sentence by Using Simple Present Tense and Past Tense


The objective of the research was to find out the English Students‘ Error in Constructing the Negation Sentence by Using Simple Present Tense and Past Tense. The design of this research was descriptive method. The instrument of the research was negation test. The result showed the students in fourth semester have error in writing negation sentence using simple present and past tense. From four types of error there were three error in negation sentence using simple present tense and past tense wrote by students they were: Ommision, Addition and Missformation. The dominant error was missformation.It is suggested for the students: Since there are still so many errors made by the students in the use of simple present tense and past tense in writing negation sentence, they should pay more attention to it. The students should learn harder and do exercises related to use simple present tense past tense in writing negation sentence. It is also important for them to know their own errors because by knowing their own errors, they will not make similar errors.
Key words:Error, Negation, Simple Present Tense, Simpla Past Tense


Aditya Dwi Purna
Washlurachim Safitri, M.Pd


Bahasa Inggris


UPT Perpustakaan




Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu


Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu


Bahasa Inggris


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Aditya Dwi Purna and Washlurachim Safitri, M.Pd, “A Study of English Students' Error in Constructing the Negation Sentence by Using Simple Present Tense and Past Tense,” Repository Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu, accessed October 22, 2024, http://repo.umb.ac.id/items/show/3284.