An Analysis of Social MarketingMix and Da'wah for Community Sanitation Behavior Change In the Implementation of the PAMSIMAS Program

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An Analysis of Social MarketingMix and Da'wah for Community Sanitation Behavior Change In the Implementation of the PAMSIMAS Program


Social Marketing, Social Marketing Mix, Behavior Change and Pamsimas


Sanitation issues become an essential interest in Indonesia, because it is highly related to health status, human resources increase, and economic resources. The Pamsimas program is considered successful in increasing access to sanitation for the community to realize the Universal Access target in 2019. The Social Marketing Analysis as a da'wah approach is interesting to study changes in community sanitation behavior in Indonesia. Based on the nature of the purpose of this study, the approach used is a qualitative approach. Primary data employed interview techniques with the Pamsimas Program doers. While secondary data is achieved from library studies, including browsing a number of internet sites. The success of the Pamsimas Program in increasing sanitation lies in the commercial marketing mix application strategy combined with several social marketing mixes in 7 P namely Product, Place, Price, Promotion, Partnership, Policy and Politic in building 4 P, namely people, procces and performance in the program. Behavior changes Da'wah through triggering the health sector, as well as the application of latrine regular social gathering at low prices is the key to success and has succeeded in increasing number of accesses to community sanitation. The government is necessary to review the application of social marketing by strengthening the application of the partnership, politics and policy mix to reinforce support.


Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu




Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu




Economic Education
National College of Teacher Training and Education (STKIP)
Padang Pariaman Regency, West Sumatra




Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu, “An Analysis of Social MarketingMix and Da'wah for Community Sanitation Behavior Change In the Implementation of the PAMSIMAS Program,” Repository Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu, accessed July 27, 2024,