vocabulary and grammar) IN PEKAL LANGUAGE

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vocabulary and grammar) IN PEKAL LANGUAGE


Pekal language is language used by people in North Bengkulu Regency,
especially Pekal tribe. Pekal language were collected from family communication.
The problem of this research is what are Pekal dialect varieties in term of
difference pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar in family communication. The
objective of this research is what are Pekal dialect varieties in term of difference
pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar in family communication. Significance of
this research as a reading references for Pekal language dialect varieties especially
for students of the English Education Study Program. This research was disigned
as qualitative descriptive method. The object of this research: Pekal language in
family communication communicated by father, mother, son and daughter. The
data in this research collected by record and transcribe Pekal language family
communication in three villages (Tanjung Dalam, Napal Putih and Ketahun
village). The instrument of this research used table checklist of dialect and
recording of Pekal language in order to know the difference pronunciation,
vocabulary and grammar Pekal language in family communication. The findings
of this research are; (1) Pekal dialect varieties in term of difference pronunciation
in family communication are found two namely vowels and consonants. (2) Pekal
dialect varieties in term of difference vocabulary in family communication are
found sixteen vocabulary difference. (3) Pekal dialect varieties in term of
difference pronunciation in family communication are found only one differences
in communication father to mother.


NPM: 1521110005
Drs. epi Wadison, M. Pd
Penguji 1:
Waslurachim, M. Pd
Penguji 2:
Yupika M, M. Pd


Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris


UPT Perpustakaan


21 Oktober 2020


Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu


Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu


Bahasa Indonesia


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BENY YUNIARTI NPM: 1521110005 et al., “A STUDY OF DIALECTS VARIETIES (pronunciation,
vocabulary and grammar) IN PEKAL LANGUAGE,” Repository Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu, accessed May 13, 2024, http://repo.umb.ac.id/items/show/474.