PengaruhKualitas Pelayanan TerhadapKepuasan Masyarakat Di Wilayah Kerja Puskemas Nanti Agung
(Kecamatan Tebat Karai Kabupaten Kepahiang)

Dublin Core


PengaruhKualitas Pelayanan TerhadapKepuasan Masyarakat Di Wilayah Kerja Puskemas Nanti Agung
(Kecamatan Tebat Karai Kabupaten Kepahiang)


This study aims to determine the effect of service quality on community satisfaction at the
Nanti Agung Public Health Center, Tebat Karai District, Kepahiang Regency. Either
partially or simultaneously. There are several that are discussed in this study, including
service quality and community satisfaction. This type of research is a quantitative descriptive
study, the object of this research is the community around the Nanti Agung Health Center,
precisely in the village of later agung, Karang Tengah village and Sinar Gunung village. The
sampling method is a non-probability technique, namely the accidental sampling technique.
The number of respondents in this study were 110 people. Methods of data collection using a
questionnaire. By using data analysis techniques using Simple Linear Regression Analysis
Test, and Hypothesis Testing, namely the t test
The results of this study can be concluded that the variable quality of service at the
Puskesmas later Agung has a positive and significant effect on community satisfaction. This
means that if the quality of service increases, the satisfaction of the community will also
increase and vice versa if the quality of service decreases, the satisfaction of the community
will also decrease, for example, with adequate supporting quality, it will certainly be very
good for people who come to the health center maintained and even improved so that in the
future the service quality of this health center will be even better. And if the community gets
good quality, then this will be an experience for them and share that experience with other
Keywords: Service Quality, Community Satisfaction


Sri Ekowati
Taupik Bustami


Program Studi Manajemen


UPT Perpustakaan




Universitas Muhamamdiyah Bengkulu


Universitas Muhamamdiyah Bengkulu


Bahasa Indonesia


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Sri Ekowati, Onsardi, and Taupik Bustami, “PengaruhKualitas Pelayanan TerhadapKepuasan Masyarakat Di Wilayah Kerja Puskemas Nanti Agung
(Kecamatan Tebat Karai Kabupaten Kepahiang),” Repository Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu, accessed October 22, 2024,